Wednesday, September 5, 2012

SMF 9/5/12

SMF 9/5/12 - Check deposits wherever, whenever.

So, I'm a Bank of America Customer.  It's convenient, and generally they're on the cutting edge of all things technological.  I discovered the other day that I can TAKE A PICTURE OF A CHECK AND IT WILL BE AUTOMAGICALLY DEPOSITED.  Did everybody get that?  You don't have to fill out any forms, go to a branch, or even get out of your recliner.  How cool is that?!?  This may save a couple bucks in gas, but more importantly, it saves your time.  Yesterday, I had a check written out to me, and before I left I had deposited it.  Right there.  If it's not a huge money saving tip, it's at least worth a shout out - because it will save you time, and as they say, time is money.

I think there's also a feature where you can "bump" people money with ING.  It seems that if someone has a phone that has the app too, you could send money via bluetooth or something by having the phones in proximity.  This is cool, but it scares me a little.  What if I forget to turn off my bumping and everyone I pass can just grab a couple bucks?  My cheap button hurts.  I'm sure they've got fail safes for this type of thing, but I'm just a bit tight fisted, as I'm sure you've realized by now.  Anyhow, talk to you soon.


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