Saturday, September 29, 2012

SMF 9/29/12 Paperless

Good Morning everybody,

For years people at my workplace have been talking about going paperless.  But we never can, because some people don't have computers at home or won't go onto the site to see things.  For those Luddites, we always have to continue to print things and waste paper.  The most annoying thing about this is that most of the paper ends up in a landfill instead of being recycled.

Why does this matter to those of us trying to be smartphone frugal, you ask?  It might not, but I've been subtly saving paper lately.  For instance, I had a LivingSocial Deal yesterday that worked out perfectly. I never had to print anything, I just showed my number to the waitress at the restaurant and used the coupon.  Now, because I am so frugal, I probably would have printed the coupon at work anyway, at no cost to me, but even so . . . my workplace would have been paying a couple cents to print that, whereas I paid absolutely nothing to keep it digital.  Even more importantly, I reduced my footprint a bit.  If each of us just did a few things like this, using google drive perhaps to share documents instead of printing them to have them to refer to or edit, or blogging instead of using valuable resources to print magazines, or shopping online instead of via catalog . . . I bet we can save a bunch of money, and a bunch of trees.  What do you say?

Have a good one,


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