Wednesday, October 10, 2012

DMV app

Hi everyone,
I'm in DMV Hell, for the 2nd time in a week.  AND I HAVE TO COME BACK AGAIN.  Wouldn't it be great if there was some sort of app so that you could tell if it was busy?  You know, BEFORE you took your free period from school and drove 20 minutes?  This couldn't be too hard to program, could it?  I hate wasting my time.  So at least with my keyboard I get to write this blog while I wait.  Stiiiiiiill though, I could be doing actually productive things like correcting or lesson planning or sipping coffee listening to music.  Instead, surrounded by strangers, I'm trying to be patient and nice to everyone while every fiber of my being is screaminggggggggggggggg obscenities.  I think this is how Tourette's syndrome starts.  Repeated exposure to the DM effing V.  Seriously though, I      challenge all you smartypants readers out there, make a DMV app that will tell people the line length.  Do it.
Sorry for ranting.

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