Hi all,
It's been a while since I've written about smart phones and their frugality. I suppose that's because I think they aren't very frugal lately. I finally got my bill below $200/mo., but the service isn't as good. So I tried googlefi, and it's FANTASTIC at data, but not great at calls. So . . . dual note 9's for me. I'm a dummy, but it's kinda neat having a fast data phone and a mostly for calls phone. I also assume GoogleFi will fix their issues and team up with another carrier (they're currently on TMobile, but I think Tmobile gives their customers priority on their towers). I also assume more wifi will be available, but the tech will have to be fantastic to keep up with a driving caller. I'll reserve full judgement until then.
However - here's my solar dream. I want a solar wall from Elon Musk. I also want solar panels on my roof that are enough to power my car(s) and my home for free. The cars I want: Audi E-tron https://www.audiusa.com/models/audi-e-tron?ds_kid=43700035130525685&CSREF=SEM%7C10770960%7C3118667%7C144106565%7C315947276%7C0&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsJfhBRCaARIsAO68ZM4imF_mB5eD9bzjZXwI2dmXdC5pq_8T0fPzBwzJp0ffKTTwCaUvpqUaAnfLEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
and this: and http://www.atlismotorvehicles.com/xt-truck/
I'd also like to take a cheap gooseneck trailer and solarize it, like this:
I'm pretty sure, that with that and @goalzero and @biolite, I can make a rig that almost never needs fueling. The regenerative braking and the solar panels on the camper will keep me going during the day, and the biolite stove will keep me going at night. Add a few wind turbines and this truck won't ever need to stop rolling.
At any rate, that seems like a pie in the sky dream right now, and of course being totally off the grid isn't what the larger companies would like for us, because it keeps us from buying more stuff - like oil, natural gas, propane, gasoline, and all the things those power. However, I'm pretty sure I will need new solar panels for this rig from time to time, deep cycle batteries, bulbs, antennae, and other stuff. I'll also keep buying computers, cameras, phones, and other things that are technologically advanced, as well as high speed, mobile data for my rig. In other words, I will consume differently, but I'll still contribute to the economy.
Anybody want to try this with me? Maybe @goalzero and @biolite?
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