Monday, December 5, 2016

Tech Support . . . why companies do it wrong (and linux)

Hi all,

I recently had to call tech support for IBM/Lenovo for my yoga notebook.  Why on earth would you employ tech support for IBM/Lenovo who cannot speak the language of the caller?  I spent literally 12 minutes giving her information.  We had to resort to military code instead of saying letters . . . i became india, l for lion was not understood by the support specialist, r became romeo (but said "raaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiah").  I eventually spoke using a robotic monotone . . . but I think my android operating system does a better job with voice recognition than did this human.

I am not faulting the human.  Let's be clear here - this is not a 'Merica post.  I just believe that people who are hired to do tech support need to be good at communication.  I am sure that to her, my accent was very difficult.  Maybe the solution is that I learn to speak her language.  However, to be effective at communication it is required that people speak each others' languages.  Or, she should be on a chat so that we are both reading English words.

At any rate, it was a very frustrating 15 minutes.  I think one of the most wasted assets we humans squander is time.  I hate not being productive, or using my time poorly.  Spelling my name for 12 minutes, in order to do data entry into the lenovo system, all to have a windows 10 boot disk sent was a poor use of my time.  I wish IBM/Lenovo would just do it more effectively/efficiently.  It makes me want to just run linux instead . . . and I might.  There are none of the headaches that come pre-installed with windows if you run linux.  There are also no (or very very few) viruses.

Have a good day,


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