Monday, November 4, 2013

Best Buy, Insurance, and To Upgrade, or Not to Upgrade?

Hi all,

It's been a while since I've had time/motivation to write.  However, I have a question for you all.  I have unlimited data on Verizon, and I know if I upgrade I lose it.  Since it seems to me that most communication soon will be data (skype, google chat, etc.) as well as the fact that I routinely use way more than my data quota, I'm unwilling to do this.  Does anyone have a workaround/solution for that?  I don't need a new phone, but I'd like the Samsung Galaxy s5 when it comes out.  Can I win the argument with Verizon to upgrade and keep my plan?  Has anyone successfully done that?

I've done some research for what I can buy at amazon/newegg/bestbuy outright, but the prices suck (probably because nobody does it that way).

On another note, Bestbuy pisses me off.  Apparently, using their insurance policy (which I've been paying for a year now and can't get out of by walking in a store - you have to call a special number) DOESN'T GUARANTEE YOU A NEW PHONE - JUST A REFURB!  Had I known this, I think I wouldn't have signed up.  It's only a few dollars cheaper per month than the Verizon insurance, and I'm pretty sure that gives a new phone.

Be Frugal, be well :)


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