Thursday, July 11, 2013

Being positive despite some dumb poopenschticken

Hi all,

So, Karma's a bitch, as they say.  But it's also nice to you if you pay into it.  I frequently fix peoples' computers, bikes and other stuff for free, and give stuff away because I just don't need it anymore.  I like to think that this means good things for me.  Now, it doesn't mean I get ipads or samsung tablets falling out of the sky for me, but I did win a kindle fire last year :)

So, I've decided that when my one man, sucking at guitar band goes viral this year, the title will be "Smiling at Strangers." because it works.  I just wrote a letter of recommendation for a coworker, and one of the most positive things I said was as follows: "She makes those around her happier just by smiling at them every day, for no particular reason other than that she is happy to see them."  Now, she's not exactly a stranger, and full on beaming at random folks tends to freak them out.  However, a gentle, contented smile tends to win people over and improve their day.

Now, what does this have to do with technology, you say?  Well, not much.  But I don't have another blog for karma (yet).

Have a good day, and recycle your old electronics.  Maybe a samsung will fall out of the sky for you :)


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