Wednesday, August 29, 2012

SPF #7: Verizon.

Good morning everybody,

So I have a beef.  I have an unlimited amount of data from Verizon, right?  I'm grandfathered in, right?  WRONG.  They recently admitted to me that they are throttling everybody's bandwidth above 2 gigs a month.  Now, as you know, I use my droid for a lot of things.  My wife uses her iphone to stream music, check the facey-spacey (facebook) and tons of other stuff.  We go over 2 gigs in maybe the first week of each month.  It got so bad that she couldn't even check her email or voicemail at work on her 3g iphone.  To which Verizon replied, "Well, a 4g phone might solve the problem, but we have to make sure everybody else has equal usage so we have to throttle you after 2 gigs."  To my mind, unlimited means UNLIMITED, in either bandwidth or total usage.  Maybe I'm wrong though; what do you think?

We solved the problem by getting her a Droid Razr, but we shouldn't have had to upgrade her phone just to get around a bandwidth issue that was not part of the original contract.

Also, I've heard this rumor that they will be doing away with the unlimited plans soon.  Anybody know anything about this?

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