Monday, June 17, 2013

Using my smartphone to increase productivity during training.

Hi all,

It's summer, so now I have time to use my smartphone in earnest once again.  I hope no one has been missing my posts too much :)  I'm currently sitting in a professional development on how I'll be rated by my principals next year, and I'm having a hard time focusing.  So instead, I'm writing this blog, using my Motorola bluetooth keyboard.  The presenter tried to get our attention by asking us 3*10.  We're on slide DD.  WHY, oh WHY would we call a slide, any slide, that?  It invites terrible comments.  Breast feeding was mentioned.  Anyway, I have to go before I get caught.  But hopefully your summers are already started.  I can't wait to join you on Wednesday for full, unadulterated celebration of the season.
